MINEX KAZAKHSTAN forum has concluded

MINEX KAZAKHSTAN forum has concluded

On April 19–20, Astana hosted the 13th International Mining and Geological Forum MINEX KAZAKHSTAN 2023, which was dedicated to the development of the mineral resource base and the modernization of the mining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, under the general theme “Subsoil use for the benefit of national development”.

The forum and the exhibition were attended by more than 1,000 participants from 30 countries from 221 companies and organizations. AGR Software LLC took an active part in the forum and presented its technologies and leading projects.

Mikhail Demidovich, Head of the Implementation Department, took part in the session “Digitalization of Geology and Subsoil Use in Kazakhstan” with the report “Digital Transformation of Drilling Operations”. In his report, Mikhail highlighted the problems of drilling project management, and modern solutions offered by AGR Software.

The second report on the topic “Improving the quality of prospecting and appraisal work” was presented by Ekaterina Zakandykina in the Open Business Track “Improving the quality of prospecting and appraisal of solid mineral deposits using advanced technologies”, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the entire complex of APR in exploration areas in Yakutia.